
RIMAG (Risley Moss Action Group)
We are registered charity (No. 1041935).
We have provided community-based support for Risley Moss Nature Reserve for over 30 years.

Status at January 2022

Hello everyone!

The Cov SARS -2 (Covid -19) pandemic has certainly restricted activities over the last year or so and continues to have disruptive influences meaning we have all lost touch somewhat. So here is a summary update of where we are now.

Site Access

We are delighted that the site has been, and continues to be, kept open throughout the pandemic. We are very grateful for the efforts of the site Rangers in making all of the necessary arrangements to achieve this.

Unfortunately, the restrictions have meant that it has not been possible to run any public events. However, an increasing number of local residents have taken the opportunity from the site being open to get closer to nature by having a stroll around the site to help reduce the risk of going ‘stir crazy’.

Replacement ‘Tower’

Reluctantly, WBC has concluded that a replacement Tower similar to that burnt down in 2017 cannot be built for technical and economic reasons. Although disappointed, RIMAG is delighted that a proposal to reinstate the Observation Area for better public access, possibly including a lower-level raised structure is now being considered in detail. Hopefully, the area will be fully re-opened before Spring 2022.

And finally….

The RIMAG website has not been updated for some time. Suggestions on changes / improvements (e.g. to the ‘Tower’ page) will be very welcome.

Our role is:
Using our charity status to access Funding that is not directly available to Warrington Borough Council (site owners)

  • Supporting the site Rangers in carrying out public events
  • Supporting the site Rangers in carrying out practical conservation tasks
  • Supporting the site Rangers in carrying out wildlife surveys

We believe that Risley Moss is a wonderful place where you can escape from the pressures of day-to-day life, and experience rare habitats and wildlife right on your doorstep.

We will be delighted to see you there!               

We will be even more delighted if you decide to join us!!

ranger servicewarrington-borough-councilNE-logologo 2015

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