We have some rather special knitted friends for sale! £5 each and all proceeds go towards our work supporting the Risley Moss Rangers on and around the moss. Contact us here if you would like to buy one.
Well also be selling them at Birchwood Shopping Centre on 19th October along with Bird Boxes and feeders As well as 14th December with our reindeer if stocks last!
RIMAG would like to congratulate Steve and Hazel on their wedding and wish them all the best for their future together. Steve and Hazel asked for donations from their guests and all donations collected have been given to RIMAG, we would like to thank them for their very generous donation which will be put to good use helping us to help keep Risley Moss for future generations.
It is now coming up to the season for reindeer, ours will be out again at Birchwood Shopping Centre on the 14th of December along with our reindeer pins.
Do you remember Bichwood in its early days being converted from the Bomb Factory in to the shopping mall and community. Do you have any pictures ot the transformation and are you willing to share them for an exhibition at Warrington Museum the click on the link for mor information about a drop in session at Risley Moss Visitor Centre.
Shameful and wanton vandalism at Risley Moss See the Warrington Guardian article for information and see the comments page for a fund raising page for Risley Moss tower that has been set up .
The fifth in a series of fascinating talks by naturalist George Pilkington, this time about the courtship and nesting habits of both garden birds and bees. Learn how some bees are actually ousting birds from their completed nests!
Cost – £3 per person – includes light refreshments
George is kindly donating any money generated to the Risley Moss Green Safari Fund
Places are limited so please book in advance on 01925 824339 or email the rangers on: risleymossrangers@warrington.gov.uk
RIMAG with Gary Jones from Birchwood Mall after putting the finishing touches to the living willow tunnel.
This morning we put the finishing touches to the living willow tunnel at Birchwood Shopping Mall. This is just the first phase of the development for this plot of land so watch out at the Mall for the future installments.
Dr Paul Speake thanking Gary Jones (Manager of Birchwood Shopping Mall) for their support of the work of RIMAG (see our news page for more).
Nature is a visual form of beauty and often overlooked and taken for granted. Birchwood Shopping Centre is proudly supporting and raising funds for Risely Moss Nature Reserve, in the hope to make a difference and supporting the environment.
The Centre has supported numerous causes over recent years and for 2017 Birchwood have decided to support the local Nature Reserve. Risley Moss Nature Reserve was created following the last Ice Age and is locally referred to as the ‘mossland’. It is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) because of its rare habitat and plants. The main feature of the Nature Reserve is its huge, beautiful mossland and stunning views from the raised Observation Tower, which has additional interesting facts relating to the bird species and landscape layouts.
The Risley Moss Action Group charity was formed back in 1990 in response to local concerns about Cheshire County Council’s proposal to close the Nature Reserve. The vigorous campaign to stop the closure included various press coverage and public meetings with dedicated local residents, organisations and enlightened politicians, addressed by Professor David Bellamy at Birchwood High School, which resulted in the closure being averted. The reserve is managed by Natural England, Warrington Borough Council and its site rangers, who nurture and taken exceptional care of the valuable asset.
Funds will be raised through the Shopping Centre’s Honesty Library as well as various events and competitions. Money raised will help support conservation work and aiding the site’s Rangers in; carrying out public events, practical maintenance tasks and wildlife surveys. Donations will also provide birdfeed for the 20 different species of birds seen from the woodland hide, during the cold winter months, and help to support community targeted events and equipment.
Birchwood’s Centre Manager, Gary Jones, commented “The team at Birchwood Shopping Centre are extremely proud to be working in conjunction with Risley Moss Action Group and hope to raise huge amounts of awareness and funds by hosting various fun events, competitions.”
Dr Paul Speake, Chairman of Risley Moss Nature Reserve commented “We believe that Risley Moss is a wonderful site where you can relax and enjoy in a place nearby, but seems far away from the pressures of day-to-day life and experience its beautiful rare habitats and wildlife. The Action Group are extremely grateful to Birchwood Shopping Centre for providing us with extra support and the chance to raise funds to promote public awareness of Risley Moss.”
For more information about the Nature reserve and opening times see the Warrington Borough Council Webpage for the moss at https://www.warrington.gov.uk/info/201262/risley_moss_nature_reserve. For more information about workdays and events to support the rangers, find us on our webpage at www.rimag.org.uk or for more up-to-date events and news like us on Facebook at Risley Moss Action Group.
To keep up-to-date on Birchwood Shopping Centre’s news and events, ‘Like’ us on Facebook: BirchwoodShoppingCentre, or follow us on Twitter: @BirchwoodSC
A second talk by expert George Pilkington, this time about Solitary Bees, focusing on the ecology of Red Mason Bees and special nest boxes built to attract and assist them
Cost – £3 per person – Includes light refreshments