Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tonight’s Meeting Postponed

Sorry for the lateness of this postponement but tonight’s meeting will be postponed until next Thursday. Hope that is OK with every one and that next week will be a more favorable date.  so the next meeting will be 11th February 7pm in the Poachers.

Can you pass on this message to any one who may need to know.
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Big Garden Birdwatch 2016


Here are the lists of bird species seen at the woodland hide and out of the main window at the Visitor’s Centre at Risley moss for the Big garden Bird Watch 2016.  Seen by Andy, Phil, Christine, Paul and Gaynor.

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The Work Day for 29/11/15 has been cancelled

The event has been cancelled because of expected bad weather, which will require Mark to be instantly available in case there is any wind damage.

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