Risley Moss Fungal Foray 09/10/16



Sunday 9th October 2016

Tom Ferguson


Basket of fungi collected on foray Sunday 9th October 2016
Basket of fungi collected on foray Sunday 9th October 2016



The foray took place at Risley Moss near Warrington which is an SSSI managed by the ranger service of Warrington Borough Council with voluntary support from the local community Action Group. The main part of the site is the former Lancashire mossland which is being restored to its former glory. However the foray took place within the predominantly Birch woodland which surrounds the moss

Fifteen people attended the foray including the Chair of the Action Group and two young enthusiasts who were invaluable in searching out fungi from the more impenetrable parts.

Fungi were a bit few and far between but thirty five species were identified. These were used to describe aspects of fungi such as their form, what to look for when identifying them, where they grow, mycorrhiza, the importance of mycorrhiza and their role in the ecological cycle.

The highlights included the Earthstars and Stinkhorn eggs and the BMS Pocket Guide was helpful in revealing what it looked like when mature. These along with the Saddles, Jelly Ear, Stagshorn, Woodwarts  and various brackets helped to demonstrate the great variety of shapes and sizes.

The most dramatic of the gilled fungi were Sulphur Tuft and Glistening Ink-cap which were seen in prufusion bursting out of several decaying tree stumps.

RISLEY MOSS Species list

October 9th 2016

Agaricus (sylvaticus)                                                   Wood mushroom

Annulohypoxylon multiforme                                Birch Woodwart

Auricularia auricula-judaea                                      Jelly Ear

Boletus badius                                                                  Bay Bolete

Chlorociboria aeruginascens                                   Green Elf Cup

Clitocybe (fragrans)                                                        Fragrant Funnel

Clitocybe (metachroa)

Coprinellus micaceus                                                   Glistening Inkcap

Coprinopsis  atramentarius                                      Common Inkcap

Daedalea quercina                                                          Oak Mazegill

Entoloma sp                                                                        Pinkgill

Ganoderma australe                                                      Southern Bracket

Helvella crispa                                                                   Common Saddle

Hypholoma fasciculare                                                  Sulphur Tuft

Inocybe geophylla                                                            White Fibrecap

Laccaria laccata                                                                  The Deceiver

Lacrymaria lacrymabunda                                          Weeping Widows

Lactarius tabidus                                                              Birch Milkcap

Lepiota cristata                                                                 Stinking Dapperling

Lepista flaccida                                                                  Tawny Funnel

Lycoperdon perlatum                                                    Common Puffball

Lyophyllum decastes                                                      Clustered Domecap

Mycena galericulata                                                        Common Bonnet

Mycena vitilis                                                                     Snapping Bonnet

Paxillus involutus                                                             Brown Roll-rim

Phallus impudicus                                                            Stinkhorn

Pholiota squarrosa                                                          Shaggy  Scalycap

Piptoporus betulinus                                                      Birch polypore,                                                                                                                      Razorstrop Fungus

Psathyrella multipedata                                              Clustered Brittlestem

Russula ochroleuca                                                         Ochre Brittlegill

Scleroderma citrinum                                                     Common Earthball

Scleroderma verrucosum                                             Scaly Earthball

Trametes versicolor                                                        Turkeytail

Xylaria hypoxylon                                                            Candle nuff/Stagshorn

Tom Ferguson

10 October 2016

Brackets are most likely but not absolutely certain identifications

Many thanks for Tom for this report on the species seen at risley moss on Sunday and I hope all who attended had a good time and came away with more appreciation of the Fungi around us.

Paul Speake

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